“Do It Yourself”

What are you here to learn? 

When you do your own writing, 

You learn who you are 

And what you stand for 

And what you stand against 

And what you love  

And what you makes you feel alive.  

When you have someone or something write for you, 

You learn to lie.  

You learn to cheat.  

And you lose all its benefits. 

(See above.) 

When you do your own reading, 

You drink in ideas, experiences, characters, stories. 

You feel them down to the roots of your hair, 

And in the goosebumps you get 

When the words are magic.  

You inhale the sounds and  

Patterns and  

Qualities of great writing  

To emulate in your own writing. 

You are molded as a person by what you read 

By what moves you  

And by what you refuse to be moved by. 

Reading gives you life experiences  

That can’t be had in real life 

And life lessons without the pain 

Of living them. 

Reading deepens you, 

Teaches you how to be a better human.  

But when you only pretend to read, 

When you read the summaries 

And jot down pretend-notes,  

All you learn is to cheat. 

You lose all the benefits of reading. 

(See above.) 

I listen as you sit discussing  

What you were supposed to have read 

And wonder how much of your talk is real 

And how much of it is just so much  


You go through the motions 

But none of it means anything.  

All you are learning is how to fling B.S. 

Back and forth. 

When you view learning as transactional, 

You turn in counterfeit product 

To get a grade 

To get a credential someday 

To get on to the next thing, 

It may seem like a bargain 

To get something for nothing. 

All the result, none of the effort. 

But in the end, 

You get a hollow reward.  

You become, by counterfeiting,  

A counterfeit person.  

A fraud.  

A liar.  

A cheat. 

A surface person. 

All show, no substance. 

A Sedgewick Bell. 

Education has made it all transactional 

When maybe it should be transformational. 

It isn’t really supposed to be about 

Points and grades and GPAs. 

Learning isn’t just ticking off the boxes. 

Learning should deepen you, 

Take you outside your comfort zone, 

Make you more human.  

More yourself. 

Anyone can cheat. 

Only you can write your words. 

Only you can meet an author  

On the pages  

And have an interaction 

Between just you two. 

No one else can do it.  

If you don’t do it,  

No one else in the entire universe 

Can have that interaction.  

It will never exist.  

When you cheat,  

When you cynically think it doesn’t matter, 

You are murdering the learning 

That might have transformed you 

And the person you might have become 

Will never exist.