Different Year, Same Problem

As the new year started, I attended a district professional learning and decided to draw a comic strip about it. The after-school workshop was ironic on so many levels, I HAD to write it. In fact I started writing this comic about the workshop while I was still sitting IN the workshop. Here is the resulting comic strip:

I won’t even go into the fact the app we were supposed to use on our phones would never load on mine. I managed to squeeze most of the irony of the actual workshop into the comic version.

This strip ran online on January 14th – few days after the actual workshop. Imagine my surprise when a few days later, as I was scanning in strips I had drawn in 2006 to run on my website, I found myself reading this strip and then posting it:

I might argue that the original strip is actually better – more concise, punchier. But that isn’t the point.

The point is this: 23 years after drawing the first strip for the newspaper, I had forgotten it and felt a need to do a new strip about the same exact problem.

This is not progress.

When will we start differentiating for teachers – especially when we are trying to teach them about differentiation?

I have to laugh at the irony here, because if I think seriously about the fact that we are still putting up with the same nonsense over two decades later… I’ll cry.

And people wonder why there’s a teacher shortage.