Rewiring a Metaphor

I used to tell my students

That it wasn’t about the papers they turned in

The grades spread out across a digital grid

The products, the GPAs.

I would tell them

Education is about

What’s left after you take away the papers

And grades

Your brain should be rewired to

To be smarter

To know more

To think better

yet now I regret that my metaphor

Was technological

Implying that the human mind

Is a machine

Now I’d like to find

A more organic metaphor

To explain how learning changes and expands the mind

A spider web with more and more threads

Of connection catching new things

A lake with many streams

Running into it from different sources

A tree growing ever deeper roots

While above the limbs and branches and twigs

Grow upwards and outwards

Crisscrossing and interconnecting

Branches of knowledge indeed

Or a bird’s nest gathering twigs and sticks

And weaving them together into a place to live in

Rewiring implies

Upgrading to better chips and semiconductors

More memory

More RAM

Faster processing

More efficiency

More transactions

But webs and lakes and trees and nests

Are not efficient

They grow slowly



At the pace of wisdom